Picture for discussion – earlier editions of Bisaccioni’s “Historia delle gverre civili”
The visual strategies found in the various editions of Bisaccioni’s book on civil wars reveal themselves in comparison to one another.
Each of the editions known to us so far contains an individual frontispiece of considerably high artistic quality.
Recurring elements and their deliberate re-contextualisations seem to be part of the overall political message.
The following powerpoint presentation gives an insight into these strategies and encourages further discussion:
Bisaccioni_Visual strategies_POWERPOINT
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Malte Griesse (January 9, 2014). Picture for discussion – earlier editions of Bisaccioni’s “Historia delle gverre civili”. Revolts as Communication. Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/tou6