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New book: Rebellion and Diplomacy in early modern Europe


Together with international colleagues, the former research group “Revolts as communicative events” (based at Konstanz University from 2013 to 2018) has created two edited volumes on different aspects of early modern uprisings and their cross-border perceptions.

In our second book project, entitled “Rebellion and Diplomacy in early modern Europe” and published with Routledge in June 2023, we consider the role of early modern diplomats in revolts and revolutions. Differentiating regional cultures of diplomatic agency and diplomatic reporting in early modern Europe, we show that arcane and public communication in times of crisis were not necessarily neatly separated. Diplomats did not only act as careful observers but shaped the course of events as spies, news publishers, historians and determined politicians.

Table of contents:

Introduction Monika Barget, David de Boer, Malte Griesse

The Arduous Task of Governing: Reports and Perceptions of the Neapolitan Revolt (1647-48) in the Diplomatic Network of the Duke of Arcos, Viceroy of Naples

Francesco Benigno

Samuel Hartlib and the English Revolution: Communication and Parallel Diplomacy, 1640-1650s

Stéphane Haffemayer

Fanatics in Foreign Lands: Diplomacy, Surveillance and the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685

Jason Peacey
Swedish Observations on the Fronde: Schering Rosenhane as Ambassador to the French Court Malte Griesse

Communicating a Danish Conspiracy: Spanish Diplomatic Reports on Dina Vinhofvers’s Scandal, 1651

Enrique J. Corredera Nilsson
“The Hatred Which They Bear Towards Their Kings”: Hanoverian Perceptions of the Glorious Revolution Monika Barget
Neighborhood Trouble: Popular Unrest and Expressions of Dissatisfaction in Diplomatic Reporting between Denmark and Sweden, 1622-1624 Miriam Rönnqvist and Nils Erik Villstrand
Diplomacy and Intervention: French Negotiators to the Rescue of Hungarians during the War of the Spanish Succession Lucien Bély

Reporting Rebellion: The Marquis d’Iberville and the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715

Daniel Szechi

Afterword: Beyond Western Europe

Monika Barget

Monika Barget with newly arrived copy of the edited volume, June 2023. Photo: Eric Bleize, Maastricht.

While most chapters focus on the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Holy Roman Empire, France, Spain and Italy, the afterword mentions recent research in Russian and Ottoman revolt diplomacy, which could not be covered in our own book.

The editors and authors are looking forward to feedback and are happy to answer questions.

Please contact Monika Barget to get in touch with the team.


OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Monika Barget (December 1, 2022). New book: Rebellion and Diplomacy in early modern Europe. Revolts as Communication. Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

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