Category: Project publications
Following the publication of our edited volume “Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery”, we are now making the corresponding ZOTERO library with bibliographic information on sources and secondary works public. The ZOTERO library can serve as an open resource for further research or teaching.
The edited volume “Revolts and Political Violence in Early Modern Imagery” is now available in print and as an e-book. The book traces the self-representation of early modern insurgents as well as their perception in different visual cultures. Apart from contributions on Europe, the volume features chapters on North America, Latin America and Asia.
This contribution to the collective volume “Jenseits der Ordnung?” edited by Jan Behnstedt-Renn, Jan Marco Sawilla and Rudolf Schlögl covers a highly controversial topos of (political) crowd action in early modern Britain.
Two publications featuring contributions by members of the former “Early Modern Revolts” research group are due out in November 2018.
to appear in: Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie (ZAA); Heft 2/2017: Ländliche Akteure zwischen Protest und Revolution (18. bis 21. Jahrhundert) – ISSN 0044-2194 Ausgehend von klassischen Thesen der Sozialgeschichte, dass es in der frühen Neuzeit eine wachsende...