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Tagged: religion

‘Nationhood, religious identity and political separatism in eighteenth-century Britain’ – slides and handouts

I have created the following slides & handouts for my course taught at University of Konstanz in 2016/2017: COURSE DESCRIPTION & INTRODUCTORY SESSION You may also download this abridged version of my original PPT presentation in PDF format....

‘That Horrid Conspiracy’ – commemorating the Gunpowder Plot in early modern Britain

In 1605, the British Isles were scandalized by a Catholic attempt to blow up the king in Parliament, which became known us the Gunpowder Plot. The leading men belonged to the Midland gentry, whereas higher ranking members of...

Konsens und Konflikt – Franz Rosenzweig und die Herausforderungen jüdischer Philosophie im späten 19. Jahrhundert

Rezension zu: Franz Rosenzweig. Religionsphilosoph aus Kassel, hg. von Eva Schulz-Jander und Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik, Euregioverlag Kassel 2011: Für ihren Sammelband über Leben und Werk des Kasseler Philosophen Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) haben die Herausgeber ein internationales Autorenteam verpflichtet, das...